We love Parent Involvement!
Please call 530-865-1240

Can you Volunteer?

We would love your help with school fundraisers, carnival, STAR testing treats, and other activities throughout the school year. if you are interested in helping in any of these areas.

Would you like to be a Parent Club Member? 

A group of parents meet the first Wednesday evening of each month at 6:00 p.m.  We would love you to  join us!  Help make decisions, offer to help or organize events, share ideas, and make new friends!

Can't make it on Wednesdays? 

It's okay!  Let us know and we can meet with you at a time that works with your schedule!

Can you donate items to the school for celebrations?

Sometimes parents work long hours and are not able to attend or help organize events, but they like to donate items for school activities and celebrations.  If you are one of these parents, let us know!

Do any of these options sound interesting to you?

Please call Mr. Hess at 865-1240

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